There are many types of foods, and there are differences between natural foods and artificial foods in terms of the state of life of foods. As far as natural foods are concerned, some can directly cultivate new life, such as eggs, wheat, and rice seeds. Although most natural foods cannot produce new life, they contain certain biological tissues and active cells such as rice, meat, milk, fruits, and vegetables. These natural foods can produce varying degrees of biophotonic radiation. Relevant measurements and analyses can provide information about the quality of the food, such as freshness. Artificial foods are foods that are processed from biological materials, such as yogurt, cooking oil, bread, and the like. The content of living matter in these foods has been greatly reduced, and the biophoton radiation signal in the strict sense is quite low. It is generally difficult to measure and analyze with biophotonic detection technology. However, if the food being measured can extract liquid, it can be detected by electrochemiluminescence [28]. For example, when measuring pesticide residues in vegetables, the vegetables can be immersed in water for a period of time. After the residual pesticides are put into the water, the water containing the pesticides is measured by electrochemiluminescence technology, and relevant information can be obtained by this method. Of course, such measurement and analysis needs to establish a database based on the actual pesticide species. For simple inorganic and organic residues, such as organophosphorus residues, fluoroacetamide and other rodenticides, veterinary drug residues, papaverine, barbital, nitrous acid. Salt, formaldehyde, benzoic acid, sulfur dioxide, etc., need to carry out a series of measurements in the laboratory, and establish a primary or secondary database, and then gradually transfer to practical measurement and analysis. If the food contains microbial contamination, such as Salmonella in food, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Enterobacter sakazakii, jejunum bending Bacteria, Bacillus cereus, and aflatoxins, botulinum toxins, algae toxins, etc., in such cases, measurement and analysis become quite complex, requiring a large number of systematic and standardized measurements in the laboratory, establishing more Level database, and constantly expand and improve the database according to actual needs, and finally establish practical standards and enter practical applications. Once the standards are established, the advantages of biophotonic technology can be fully utilized. The use of biophotonic technology to detect food quality not only gives quantitative data, but also has the advantage of being fast and sensitive. After the sample is placed in the darkroom, it usually takes only 20-30 minutes to give the result. This method is expected to play an important role in food quality testing. [Application of Biosensors in Food Hygiene Testing] The detection of microorganisms in foods has always followed the traditional plate counting method. The method is cumbersome and time consuming, and it is increasingly difficult to adapt to the needs of the food testing department. The emergence of biosensors has revolutionized the way bacteria are measured, and it has made it possible to automate the detection of microorganisms in the food industry during production and packaging. Foods that are marketed will be safer and more reliable. (1) Determination of bacteria and pathogenic bacteria in foods Microbial biosensors are used for detecting microorganisms, and have the advantages of being inexpensive, durable, convenient, and quick. However, due to the limited ability of microorganisms to directly or indirectly discharge on electrodes, there is a disadvantage of low sensitivity. In addition, since microorganisms often contain a variety of enzymes, the selectivity is not ideal. The development of fiber optic biosensors, immunobiosensors, and nucleic acid sensors opens up new avenues for microbial detection. The fiber optic sensor can be directly placed in a culture flask containing a growth solution to automatically monitor the growth of microorganisms. This sensor estimates the amount of bacteria by measuring the carbon dioxide concentration of by-products in the metabolic process of microorganisms. A fiber optic sensor coupled to a nucleic acid amplification system (PCR) can detect a small number of pathogenic bacteria in food, such as the Listeria single cell gene. A small amount of Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus spheres present in the food can be detected by an enzyme-coupled current type immunosensor. (2) Biosensors detect toxins in foods In various food poisonings, bacterial food poisoning occupies a large proportion. According to statistics, the annual bacterial food poisoning incidents in China account for 30% to 90% of the total number of food poisoning incidents, and the number of poisoning accounts for 60% to 90% of the total number of food poisonings. Bacterial food poisoning can be generally divided into three types: toxin type, infection type and mixed type. The food testing department urgently needs to develop a simple and quick method to conduct on-site testing of the virulence in food to protect people's health. The detection limits of several mutants AF-2, mitomycin, captan, aflatoxin B1 and nitroguanidine were 1.6, 0.5, 0.9, 0.8, μg/mL, respectively. The Ames method is not only short-lived (the former is 60 min, the latter is 2 to 3 days, and the latter is one week), and the sensitivity is also high (the minimum detection limit for AF-2 is 1.6 μg/mL, and the latter is 10 μg/mL). The working strain of the sensor is Bacillus subtilis, and the wild type (Rec+) DNA of the strain is known to be repaired by molecular recombination after being chemically damaged, so that it can continue to multiply; and the deficient bacteria that have lost this self-repairing ability (Rec) -) Death after loss of fertility after chemical damage to DNA. The Rec+ and Rec- strains were separately immobilized on the surface of a pair of oxygen electrodes to constitute a mutagenic sensor. (3) Biosensors detect residual pesticides in foods In view of the frequent occurrence of incidents of poisoning of pesticide-containing foods, the health inspection department urgently needs rapid detection technology to respond to poisoning incidents. The traditional method of analyzing pesticides not only requires expensive equipment, but also has a cumbersome method and is time consuming. It can neither be applied to the grassroots application nor to the field application, and the biosensor shows its unique advantages in this respect. The organic phosphorus pesticides methyl marathon, ethyl marathon, trichlorfon and diethyl propyl phosphate were determined by conductivity biosensor. The lower detection limits were 5×10-7, 1×10-8, 5 respectively. ×10-7, 5×10-11 mol/L. Fernando used organo-phosphorus and urethane-based pesticides to detect 10 mmol/L marathon and triamectin using an optically addressed potentiometric sensor. For other pesticides such as monocrotophos, dimethoate, dichlorvos, chlorhexidine, diazinon, aldicarb, etc., the detection concentration is higher. The sensor has a fast detection speed and can detect 8 samples at the same time in a few minutes with high accuracy and can be used repeatedly after being treated by the resuscitation agent.

Amino compound >
Oxy-containing amino compound Cycloalkylamines, aromatic monoamines, aromatic polyamines and derivatives and salts thereof Acyclic monoamines, polyamines and their derivatives and salts Amide compound Sulfonic acid amino compound
Alcohols, phenols, phenolic compounds and derivatives >
2-cycloalcohol Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of alcohols Extremely halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols Phenol and its halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives Acyclic alcohol
Nitrogen-containing compound
Nitrile compound
Organic derivative of hydrazine or hydrazine
Ether compounds and their derivatives >
Ether, ether alcohol Halogenation, sulfonation, nitration or nitrosation of ethers, ether alcohols, ether phenols
Carboxylic compounds and derivatives >
Cyclic carboxylic acid Halogenation, sulfonation, nitration or nitrosation of carboxylic acids Halogenation, sulfonation, nitration or nitration of carboxylic anhydrides Carboxylic acid halide Carboxylic esters and their derivatives Salt of carboxylic acid ester and its derivatives Acyclic carboxylic acid
Hydrocarbon compounds and their derivatives >
Aromatic hydrocarbon Cyclic hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon sulfonate Hydrocarbon halide Hydrocarbon nitrite Acyclic hydrocarbon
Ketone compound
Alkyl ureas and their derivatives and salts
Inorganic acid ester
Heterocyclic compound
Diazo, azo or azo compound
Organosilicon compound
Organometallic compound >
Organic palladium Organic germanium, cobalt, strontium, barium, gallium, germanium, germanium, germanium, germanium, etc. Organic calcium Zirconium Organic potassium Organic Organic lithium Organic Organic aluminum Organotin Organic manganese Organic sodium Organic nickel Organic titanium Organic iron Organic copper Organotin Organic zinc Organic Organic Organic germanium, mercury, silver, platinum, etc. Organic germanium, antimony, bismuth, tungsten, antimony, bismuth, lead, vanadium, molybdenum, chromium, antimony, etc.
Organic sulfur compound
Organic phosphine compound
Organometallic salt
Organic fluorine compound >
Fluorobenzoic acid series Fluorobenzonitrile series Fluorobenzaldehyde series Fluorobenzyl alcohol series Fluoroanisole series Fluoroaniline series Fluorophenylacetic acid series Fluorophenol series Fluorobenzoic acid series Fluoronitrobenzene series Fluoropyridine series Potassium fluoroborate series Fluorobenzyl alcohol series Fluorotoluene series Fluorine red series Fluoroethane series Fluoropropane series
Respiratory medication >
Asthma Other respiratory medications Peony Antitussive
Hormone and endocrine-regulating drugs >
Birth control pills Pituitary hormone Estrogen and progestogen drugs Adrenocorticotropic drugs Gonadotropin Thyroid hormone and antithyroid drugs other Prostaglandins Adrenal corticosteroids Androgen and anabolic hormone drugs Pancreatic hormones and other blood sugar regulating drugs Treatment of male erectile dysfunction drugs
Antipyretic analgesics >
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Antipyretic and analgesic Anti-migraine drug Anti-gout medicine Analgesic
Antiallergic >
Allergic reaction medium blocker Antihistamine
Antiparasitic drug >
Anti-amebiasis and anti-trichomoniasis drugs Antimalarial Resistance to filariasis and anti-leishmaniasis Anti-fungal medicine Anthelmintic Antiprotozoal Anthelmintic
Antibiotics >
Beta-lactamase inhibitor Aminoglycoside Macrolide drug Peptide Polyene Rifamycin Lincosamide Other antibiotics Penicillin Tetracycline Cephalosporin Amide alcohol Agricultural antibiotics
Antineoplastic agents >
Hormone antineoplastic agents Antimetabolite antineoplastic Antibiotic antineoplastic agents Anti-tumor adjuvant Other antineoplastic agents Natural source antineoplastic agents Alkylating agent Tinic antineoplastic agents Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) treatment
Anesthetic Agents >
Skeletal muscle relaxant Local anesthetics General anesthetics
Urinary system medication >
Diuretic Diabetes insipidus medication Other urinary system medication Dehydrated medicine
Other chemicals >
other Health and epidemic prevention drugs
Synthetic anti-infective drugs >
Sulfonamides and synergists Antiviral drugs Anti-tuberculosis leprosy Antihelium drug Antifungal drugs Quinolone Natural source anti-infectives Disinfectant antiseptic Nitrofuran
Nervous system medication >
2 sedative and hypnotics Antiepileptic and anticonvulsant Anxiolytic Antipsychotic Antidepressant, manic Anti-shock palsy Brain metabolism regulating drug Cholinergic Other nervous system medication Central stimulant Parkinson's syndrome
Water, electrolyte and acid-base balance regulator >
Electrolyte balance regulator Glucose drug Acid-base balance regulator
Vitamins and minerals >
Trace elements and mineral drugs Vitamin AD drugs Vitamin B drugs Vitamin C drugs Nutritional health medicine
Digestive system medication >
Liver disease medication Acid and gastric mucosal protective drugs Biliary medicine Other digestive system medication Appetite suppressant and other diet pills Gastrointestinal drug Gastrointestinal expectorant Laxative antidiarrheal Inhibition of gastric acid secretion Antiemetic emetic Digestive drug
Blood system medication >
Leukocyte proliferative drug Platelet proliferative drug Anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs Anti-anemia drug Blood volume expander Hemostatic drug
Circulatory system medication >
Regulating blood lipids Prevention and treatment of angina pectoris Calcium channel blocker Anti-congestive heart failure medicine Antihypertensive drug Antiarrhythmic drug Anti-shock vasoactive drug Other circulatory system medication Angiotensin converting enzyme and receptor inhibitor Peripheral vasodilator Beta-adrenergic receptor blocker Treatment of chronic cardiac insufficiency Anti-atherosclerosis
Diagnostic medication >
Organ function test agent Image inspection medication
Special medicine >
Radioisotope Antidote Stomatology medication Dermatology medication Surgical medication Ophthalmic medication
Drugs that affect tissue metabolism
Feed drug additive
Anti-stress drug
Immune function drug >
Immunomodulatory drug Immunosuppressive drug
Veterinary drug raw materials
Common amino acids and protein drugs
Nucleic acid drug
Enzymes and coenzymes
Inhibitor >
Immune inhibitor Protein tyrosine kinase Neuronal Signaling PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitor (PI3K/Akt/mTOR) Metabolism Cell Cycle Epigenetics Cytoskeletal Signaling Angiogenesis DNA damage Proteases Apoptosis Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) Endocrinology & Hormones G protein coupled receptor(GPCR & G Protein) Transmembrane Transporters Tyrosine protein kinase/signal transducer and transcriptional activator inhibitor (JAK/STAT) TGF-beta/Smad signaling pathway inhibitor (TGF-beta/Smad) Stem Cells & Wnt Signaling Paths (Stem Cells & Wnt) Nuclear transcription factor (NF-κB) Ubiquitin inhibitor Microbiology Autophagy lysosome (Autophagy)
Biological response modifier
Fatty drug
Amino acids and their derivatives >
Arginine derivatives Asparagine derivatives Aspartic acid derivative Cysteine derivative Glutamine derivative Glutamic acid derivative Glycine derivatives Histidine derivative Isoleucine derivative Leucine derivative Lysine derivative Methionine derivatives Phenylalanine derivatives Proline derivatives Serine derivative Threonine derivative Tryptophan derivatives Tyrosine derivatives Proline derivatives Alanine derivatives Methionine derivatives BOC-amino acid Cbz-amino acid FMOC-amino acid --amino acid Other protected amino acids Amino alcohol derivative Amino acid salt Ester amino acid Other amino acid derivatives Natural amino acids and their derivatives
Carbohydrate >
Monosaccharide Oligosaccharide Polysaccharide Double sugar
Biochemical reagent >
Biological dye Acid-base indicator Adjuvant
Nucleoside drugs >
Nucleoside intermediate Deoxynucleotides and their analogues Nucleotides and their analogues
Condensing agent
Natural product
Plant extracts
Chinese herbal medicine ingredients
Microbiological reagent
Protein research
antibody >
Antibody Enzyme secondary antibody Apoptosis and autophagy Cell metabolism Chromatin / epigenetic / cell cycle Cytoskeleton/extracellular matrix MAPK and PI3K/Akt pathway Neuroscience Immunity and inflammation PKC, calcium ion and lipid signaling pathway Stem cells, development and differentiation Protein translation, folding and degradation Other categories of primary antibodies
  • CAS Number: 2726-73-0
  • MF: C18H38O2
  • MW: 286.49300
  • Catalog:Fatty acid, fatty acid methyl ester
  • Density: 0.892g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 387.5ºC at 760mmHg
  • Melting Point: 79.5-80℃
  • Flash Point: 163.5ºC
  • CAS Number: 52744-13-5
  • MF: C12H4Cl6
  • MW: 360.87800
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.593g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 386.4ºC at 760mmHg
  • Melting Point: 115.76°C (estimate)
  • Flash Point: 185.9ºC
  • CAS Number: 69782-90-7
  • MF: C12H4Cl6
  • MW: 360.87800
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.593g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 420ºC at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 115.76°C (estimate)
  • Flash Point: 210.8ºC
  • CAS Number: 302912-12-5
  • MF: C16H32O2
  • MW: 260.39500
  • Catalog:Fatty acid, fatty acid methyl ester
  • Density: 0.865 g/mL at 25ºC
  • Boiling Point: 271.5ºC100 mm Hg(lit.)
  • Melting Point: 61-64ºC(lit.)
  • Flash Point: 206 °C
  • CAS Number: 41464-40-8
  • MF: C12H6Cl4
  • MW: 291.988
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.4±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 343.8±37.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 65-66.5ºC
  • Flash Point: 161.1±23.9 °C
  • CAS Number: 56219-06-8
  • MF: C15H28O2
  • MW: 240.382
  • Catalog:Fatty acid, fatty acid methyl ester
  • Density: 0.9±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 306.6±21.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 52.2℃
  • Flash Point: 90.9±20.4 °C
  • CAS Number: 2050-68-2
  • MF: C12H8Cl2
  • MW: 223.098
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.2±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 318.0±17.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 288℃
  • Flash Point: 145.2±14.5 °C
  • CAS Number: 21061-10-9
  • MF: C21H36O2
  • MW: 320.509
  • Catalog:Fatty acid, fatty acid methyl ester
  • Density: 0.9±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 405.0±24.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: 99.6±21.2 °C
  • CAS Number: 70362-46-8
  • MF: C12H6Cl4
  • MW: 291.98800
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.441 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 348.8ºC at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 46.5-47ºC
  • Flash Point: 164.8ºC
  • CAS Number: 62217-71-4
  • MF: C14H25D3O2
  • MW: 231.38900
  • Catalog:Fatty acid, fatty acid methyl ester
  • Density: N/A
  • Boiling Point: 250ºC/100 mmHg(lit.)
  • Melting Point: 52-54ºC(lit.)
  • Flash Point: N/A
  • CAS Number: 22393-86-8
  • MF: C34H66O2
  • MW: 506.88700
  • Catalog:Fatty acid, fatty acid methyl ester
  • Density: 0.863g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 566.6ºC at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: 57.7ºC
  • CAS Number: 17660-51-4
  • MF: C18HD35O2
  • MW: 319.69
  • Catalog:Fatty acid, fatty acid methyl ester
  • Density: 0.998g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 361ºC(lit.)
  • Melting Point: 68-70ºC(lit.)
  • Flash Point: 162.4ºC
  • CAS Number: 55720-44-0
  • MF: C12H7Cl3
  • MW: 257.54300
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.351 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 334.8ºC at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 40.0-40.5ºC
  • Flash Point: 230ºC
  • CAS Number: 74472-49-4
  • MF: C12H3Cl7
  • MW: 395.32300
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.658g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 395.2ºC at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 131.31°C (estimate)
  • Flash Point: 189.3ºC
  • CAS Number: 33284-54-7
  • MF: C12H6Cl4
  • MW: 291.988
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.4±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 345.1±37.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 79ºC
  • Flash Point: 162.1±23.9 °C
  • CAS Number: 85464-97-7
  • MF: C13H26O3
  • MW: 230.34400
  • Catalog:Fatty acid, fatty acid methyl ester
  • Density: N/A
  • Boiling Point: N/A
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: N/A
  • CAS Number: 52663-68-0
  • MF: C12H3Cl7
  • MW: 395.323
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.7±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 408.2±40.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 149°C
  • Flash Point: 198.9±24.7 °C
  • CAS Number: 32598-13-3
  • MF: C12H6Cl4
  • MW: 291.988
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.4±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 380.7±37.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 182-184℃
  • Flash Point: 188.4±23.9 °C
  • CAS Number: 39635-34-2
  • MF: C12H4Cl6
  • MW: 360.87800
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.593g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 419.1ºC at 760mmHg
  • Melting Point: 115.76°C (estimate)
  • Flash Point: 210.1ºC
  • CAS Number: 68194-06-9
  • MF: C12H5Cl5
  • MW: 326.43300
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.522 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 357.1ºC at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 95.86°C (estimate)
  • Flash Point: 167.5ºC
  • CAS Number: 5129-60-2
  • MF: C17H34O2
  • MW: 270.45100
  • Catalog:Fatty acid, fatty acid methyl ester
  • Density: 0.864 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 311.8ºC at 760mmHg
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: 144.1ºC
  • CAS Number: 73575-54-9
  • MF: C12H5Cl5
  • MW: 326.43300
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.522g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 344.5ºC at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 95.86°C (estimate)
  • Flash Point: 158.2ºC
  • CAS Number: 156779-05-4
  • MF: C8H13D3O2
  • MW: 147.230
  • Catalog:Fatty acid, fatty acid methyl ester
  • Density: 0.9±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 239.3±3.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 16ºC(lit.)
  • Flash Point: 107.4±11.9 °C
  • CAS Number: 74472-36-9
  • MF: C12H5Cl5
  • MW: 326.43300
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.522 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 374.1ºC at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 95.86°C (estimate)
  • Flash Point: 180.1ºC
  • CAS Number: 65510-44-3
  • MF: C12H5Cl5
  • MW: 326.43300
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.522 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 390.2ºC at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: 192.1ºC
  • CAS Number: 41411-64-7
  • MF: C12H3Cl7
  • MW: 395.32300
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.658g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 424.4ºC at 760mmHg
  • Melting Point: 117°C
  • Flash Point: 210.9ºC
  • CAS Number: 60233-24-1
  • MF: C12H6Cl4
  • MW: 291.98800
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.441g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 344.8ºC at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 106.53°C (estimate)
  • Flash Point: 161.8ºC
  • CAS Number: 287111-20-0
  • MF: C14H28O2
  • MW: 230.35600
  • Catalog:Fatty acid, fatty acid methyl ester
  • Density: 0.898g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 250ºC100 mm Hg(lit.)
  • Melting Point: 52-54ºC(lit.)
  • Flash Point: >230 °F(lit.)
  • CAS Number: 2050-67-1
  • MF: C12H8Cl2
  • MW: 223.09800
  • Catalog:Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, furans
  • Density: 1.249g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 324.7ºC at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 29℃
  • Flash Point: 150.5ºC
  • CAS Number: 1173023-05-6
  • MF: C5H10O2
  • MW: 105.11000
  • Catalog:Fatty acid, fatty acid methyl ester
  • Density: 0.966 g/mL at 25 °C
  • Boiling Point: 185 °C(lit.)
  • Melting Point: -20--18 °C(lit.)
  • Flash Point: 89 °C