
更新时间:2024-01-02 12:07:58

常用名 帕立骨化醇 英文名 Paricalcitol
CAS号 131918-61-1 分子量 416.637
密度 1.1±0.1 g/cm3 沸点 564.8±50.0 °C at 760 mmHg
分子式 C27H44O3 熔点 N/A
MSDS N/A 闪点 238.3±24.7 °C
符号 GHS06 GHS08
GHS06, GHS08
信号词 Danger


Paricalcitol 是 vitamin D receptor 的激活剂,用于治疗继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进(分泌过多的甲状旁腺激素),该疾病与慢性肾功能衰竭有关。


中文名 帕立骨化醇
英文名 paricalcitol
英文别名 更多


描述 Paricalcitol 是 vitamin D receptor 的激活剂,用于治疗继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进(分泌过多的甲状旁腺激素),该疾病与慢性肾功能衰竭有关。
体外研究 帕立骨化醇(3×10-8M; HP + PC)相对于在HP培养基中观察到的细胞中钙化显着降低。帕立骨化醇导致核β-连环蛋白水平降低至与对照细胞中观察到的水平相似的水平[1]。
体内研究 帕立骨化醇(300 ng/kg /天)显着降低Tau,并预防小鼠LV功能障碍。帕立骨化醇可降低TAC-pari小鼠中ANP,纤维连接蛋白和胶原蛋白III的mRNA表达[2]。
动物实验 在TAC或假手术后,用帕立骨化醇(一种选择性维生素D受体激活剂)处理一小部分小鼠,其活化VDR,最终剂量为300ng / kg /天。将帕立骨化醇溶于95%丙二醇和5%乙醇溶液中。在周一,周三和周五,小鼠每周三次腹膜内注射帕立骨化醇(或仅用载体)连续五周。还包括已建立的抗肥大和抗纤维化治疗,即血管紧张素II受体阻滞剂(ARB)氯沙坦。以前的实验表明,在浓度为30毫克/千克/天的情况下,将氯沙坦溶解在饮用水中是可行和有效的。小鼠连续治疗五周。因此,总共研究了八组。假(n = 10),TAC(n = 10),Sham + losartan(Sham-los,n = 10),TAC + losartan(TAC-los,n = 10),Sham + paricalcitol(Sham-pari,n = 10),TAC +帕立骨化醇(TAC-pari,n = 10),Sham +帕立骨化醇+氯沙坦(Sham-combi,n = 10)和TAC +帕立骨化醇+氯沙坦(TAC-combi,n = 10)。

[1]. Martinez-Moreno JM, et al. In vascular smooth muscle cells paricalcitol prevents phosphate-induced Wnt/beta-catenin activation. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2012 Aug 8.

[2]. Meems LM, et al. The vitamin D receptor activator paricalcitol prevents fibrosis and diastolic dysfunction in a murine model of pressure overload. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2012 Jul 16;132(3-5):282-289.


密度 1.1±0.1 g/cm3
沸点 564.8±50.0 °C at 760 mmHg
分子式 C27H44O3
分子量 416.637
闪点 238.3±24.7 °C
精确质量 416.329041
PSA 60.69000
LogP 5.83
蒸汽压 0.0±3.5 mmHg at 25°C
折射率 1.609
储存条件 -20°C


符号 GHS06 GHS08
GHS06, GHS08
信号词 Danger
危害声明 H301 + H311-H330-H372
警示性声明 Missing Phrase - N15.00950417-P260-P280-P302 + P352 + P312-P304 + P340 + P310-P403 + P233
危险品运输编码 UN 2811 6.1 / PGI


Paricalcitol, a vitamin d receptor activator, inhibits tumor formation in a murine model of uterine fibroids.

Reprod. Sci. 21(9) , 1108-19, (2014)

We examined the antitumor and therapeutic potentials of paricalcitol, an analog of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 with lower calcemic activity, against uterine fibroids using in vitro and in vivo evaluation...

Mesenchymal stem cells and a vitamin D receptor agonist additively suppress T helper 17 cells and the related inflammatory response in the kidney.

Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 307(12) , F1412-26, (2014)

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) suppress T helper (Th)17 cell differentiation and are being clinically pursued for conditions associated with aberrant Th17 responses. Whether such immunomodulatory effec...

Spotlight on paricalcitol in secondary hyperparathyroidism.

Treat. Endocrinol. 4(3) , 185-6, (2005)

Paricalcitol (Zemplar) is a synthetic vitamin D2 analog that inhibits the secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) through binding to the vitamin D receptor. It is approved in the US and in most Europea...


9,10-secoestra-5,7-diene-1,3-diol, 17-[(1R,2E,4S)-5-hydroxy-1,4,5-trimethyl-2-hexenyl]-, (1R,3R,7E,17β)-
1,3-Cyclohexanediol, 5-[(2E)-2-[(1R,3aS,7aR)-octahydro-1-[(1R,2E,4S)-5-hydroxy-1,4,5-trimethyl-2-hexen-1-yl]-7a-methyl-4H-inden-4-ylidene]ethylidene]-, (1R,3R,5Z)-
19-Nor-1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D2
19-Nor-1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D2
1,3-Cyclohexanediol, 5-[(2E)-2-[(1R,3aS,7aR)-octahydro-1-[(1R,2E,4S)-5-hydroxy-1,4,5-trimethyl-2-hexen-1-yl]-7a-methyl-4H-inden-4-ylidene]ethylidene]-, (1R,3R)-


