
更新时间:2024-01-02 11:53:23

常用名 环黄芪醇 英文名 Cycloastragenol
CAS号 78574-94-4 分子量 490.715
密度 1.2±0.1 g/cm3 沸点 617.2±55.0 °C at 760 mmHg
分子式 C30H50O5 熔点 241.0 to 245.0 °C
MSDS 中文版 美版 闪点 327.1±31.5 °C


Astramembrangenin 环黄芪醇是一种三萜皂苷化合物,是黄芪 (Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge) 中活性成分的水解产物。Astramembrangenin 具有口服安全性,具有广泛的药理学作用,包括端粒酶活化,端粒延长,抗炎和抗氧化特性。Astramembrangenin 具有抗衰老特性,CAG 刺激人新生角质形成细胞和大鼠神经细胞中的端粒酶活性,并诱导 CREB 活化。 Astramembrangenin 可能在抑郁症中具有新的治疗作用。


中文名 环黄芪醇
英文名 Cycloastragenol
英文别名 更多


描述 Astramembrangenin 环黄芪醇是一种三萜皂苷化合物,是黄芪 (Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge) 中活性成分的水解产物。Astramembrangenin 具有口服安全性,具有广泛的药理学作用,包括端粒酶活化,端粒延长,抗炎和抗氧化特性。Astramembrangenin 具有抗衰老特性,CAG 刺激人新生角质形成细胞和大鼠神经细胞中的端粒酶活性,并诱导 CREB 活化。 Astramembrangenin 可能在抑郁症中具有新的治疗作用。
体外研究 与HEK培养物中的载体对照相比,星形膜蛋白(0-10μM; 3-6天)增加细胞生长[1]。Astramembrangenin(0.3μM; 5-90分钟)在原代皮质神经元中诱导CREB磷酸化,两种细胞类型中总CREB表达不受CAG的影响[1]。星形膜蛋白(3μM; 6-48小时)可促进神经元中的活体信号传导,增加tert mRNA表达,表现出增加的bcl2 mRNA表达[1]。细胞活力测定[1]细胞系:HEK细胞浓度:1μM,3μM,10μM培养时间:3-6天结果:6天时细胞生长倍增。Western Blot分析[1]细胞系:神经元细胞浓度:0.3μM培养时间:5分钟,15分钟,30分钟,90分钟。结果:提示CAG诱导神经元细胞CREB活化。RT-PCR[1]细胞系:神经元细胞浓度:3μM培养时间:6-48小时结果:tert,bcl2 mRNA表达增加。

[1]. Ip FC, et al. Cycloastragenol is a potent telomerase activator in neuronal cells: implications for depression management. Neurosignals. 2014;22(1):52-63.

[2]. Yu Y, et al. Cycloastragenol: An exciting novel candidate for age-associated diseases. Exp Ther Med. 2018 Sep;16(3):2175-2182.

[3]. Sun C, et al. Cycloastragenol mediates activation and proliferation suppression in concanavalin A-induced mouse lymphocyte pan-activation model. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2017 Jun;39(3):131-139.


密度 1.2±0.1 g/cm3
沸点 617.2±55.0 °C at 760 mmHg
熔点 241.0 to 245.0 °C
分子式 C30H50O5
分子量 490.715
闪点 327.1±31.5 °C
精确质量 490.365814
PSA 90.15000
LogP 3.82
外观性状 固体;White to Almost white powder to crystal
蒸汽压 0.0±4.0 mmHg at 25°C
折射率 1.582
储存条件 0-10°C;避免加热


危险品运输编码 NONH for all modes of transport
RTECS号 GX8265000
海关编码 2942000000


海关编码 2942000000


Cycloastragenol is a potent telomerase activator in neuronal cells: implications for depression management.

Neurosignals 22(1) , 52-63, (2014)

Cycloastragenol (CAG) is an aglycone of astragaloside IV. It was first identified when screening Astragalus membranaceus extracts for active ingredients with antiaging properties. The present study de...

A novel telomerase activator suppresses lung damage in a murine model of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

PLoS ONE 8(3) , e58423, (2013)

The emergence of diseases associated with telomere dysfunction, including AIDS, aplastic anemia and pulmonary fibrosis, has bolstered interest in telomerase activators. We report identification of a n...

Telomerase-based pharmacologic enhancement of antiviral function of human CD8+ T lymphocytes.

J. Immunol. 181(10) , 7400-6, (2008)

Telomerase reverse transcribes telomere DNA onto the ends of linear chromosomes and retards cellular aging. In contrast to most normal somatic cells, which show little or no telomerase activity, immun...


9,19-Cyclolanostane-3,6,16,25-tetrol, 20,24-epoxy-, (3β,6α,9β,16β,20R,24S)-
9,19-Cyclolanostane-3,6,16,25-tetrol, 20,24-epoxy-, (3β,6α,9β,16β,20R,24R)-


