Endocrinology 2015-02-01

Glucose intolerance in aging male IGFBP-3 transgenic mice: differential effects of human IGFBP-3 and its mutant IGFBP-3 devoid of IGF binding ability.

K Hoa Nguyen, Xing-Hai Yao, Adam G Erickson, Suresh Mishra, B L Grégoire Nyomba

Index: Endocrinology 156(2) , 462-74, (2015)

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We have reported a reduction of insulin secretion and glucose intolerance in young mice overexpressing human IGFBP-3 (phosphoglycerate kinase [PGK]BP3) or its mutant Gly56/Gly80/Gly81-IGFBP-3 (PGKmutBP3) under the PGK promoter. Here, we investigated changes in glucose and lipid homeostasis with age in PGKBP3 and PGKmutBP3 mice compared with wild-type mice. Body weight, glucose tolerance, insulin tolerance, visceral fat, interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT), serum lipids, and pancreas histology were examined at age 3, 6, and 12 months. Murine IGFBP-3 was similar in all mouse genotypes and decreased with age in parallel with total IGF-1. Visceral fat and BAT masses increased in PGKmutBP3 mice, but not in PGKBP3 mice. Glucose tolerance was impaired in both PGKBP3 and PGKmutBP3 mice. However, PGKBP3 mice had increased expression of uncoupling protein-1 in BAT and reduced adiposity, and continued to have smaller pancreatic β-cell mass and reduced insulin secretion through age 12 months. In contrast, PGKmutBP3 mice developed insulin resistance with age in association with pancreatic β-cell hyperplasia, impaired expression of uncoupling protein-1 in BAT, and increased adiposity. In addition, both PGKBP3 and PGKmutBP3 mice had elevated glycerol in the circulation, but only PGKBP3 mice had elevated free fatty acids and only PGKmutBP3 mice had elevated triglycerides. Estimated free IGF-1 did not increase with age in transgenic mice, as it did in wild-type mice. Thus, overexpression of human IGFBP-3 or its mutant devoid of IGF binding ability leads to glucose intolerance with, however, different effects on insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity, and lipid homeostasis in aging mice.

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