< Property Suppliers>


Product detail:

Published date: 2018-01-26 19:52:47

CAS number: 175013-18-0

Name: Pyraclostrobine


Purity: 99.0%

Stocking period: Inquiry

Stock: Inquiry


Name: Shanghai Scientia Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.

Chemsrc Level: Unverified

Product #: 217

Tel: +8621-54301573

Address: No.688, Qiushi Road, Jinshang District, Shanghai City, China

Area: China(Mainland)

Contact: fenghu

Contact Phone #: +86-13917723525

Email: 2355732214@qq.com

Website: http://www.scientiapharm.com/

Detail introduction:
Shanghai Scientia Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. is founded in 2009, based on the chemical and pharmaceutical science and technology based on high-tech enterprises, the company is committed to the biomedical and related fields of biological and chemical science and technology within the new product development and production; global pharmaceutical company to market demand oriented set of innovative drug research and development, industry and marketization of the Chinese medicine business into business ventures in technology.
Companies have a good organic synthesis laboratories, have a professional database (Scienfinder, Beilstein) and documentation access systems, to quickly access a variety of synthetic literature; with the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry and Analysis of the Test Center has established a good cooperative relationship, provide us with analytical testing services; we have synthesized high-quality professional staff, to quickly formulate a good synthetic route.
The company's strategic positioning is based in Shanghai, Looking to the future, in the field of raw materials and new drugs can make a difference. Services for human health!

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