Biochemistry international 1988-01-01

The binding mode of a mammalian (boar) protamine to DNA.

T Tobita, T Tanimoto, M Nakano

Index: Biochem. Int. 16(1) , 163-73, (1988)

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The binding modes of mammalian and fish protamines to DNA were studied by reconstitution experiments from dansylated protamines and DNA, using fluorescence spectroscopy, thermal denaturation and sedimentation. Both boar and fish protamines showed strong positive cooperativity in binding to DNA. Binding parameters of the protamines were determined in 0.1 M NaCl, 50 mM Tricine-HCl, pH 7.4, at 37 degrees C: in the boar protamine, the cooperative binding constant (Kc) = 3.4 X 10(6) M-1 and the cooperative factor (q) = 667, in the fish protamine, Kc = 1.8 X 10(7) M-1 and q = 304. The boar protamines bound to DNA with two functional domains, but the fish protamines bound directly to DNA as a single linear molecule.

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